Blog Watchers...Thanks for Watchin!

Friday, June 02, 2006

As Leslie Sansone says, "Walking away the pounds feels so GOOD!"
Okay...first off, it feels good AFTER the workout....when you've been lifting your knees, sidestepping with weights and marching in place for an hour, well, at the time she cheerfully declares this you'd like to cheerfully slap her one haha!

This is my new diet blog, to track my changes, weight loss and or GULP GAIN...hopefully NOT gain, I'm really working at changing my lifestyle.

Areas needing improvement:

Meals. I tend (and my hubby too) to go for easy, quick and fast, which is really not all that good nutrition speaking. Lately because of my hours and my allergies I haven't been all that motivated to move it either, which is bad bad bad! I'm hoping now that I'm on my allergy meds I can get back on the wagon and give 100% instead of 50 lol.

I know my health is very important and that is why I've set a goal weight of 155-150 lbs. Healthy for my height (5'7") and my frame (large framed) I currently stand at 265 lbs and when I started was flirting dangerously with 300 (289 according to the Dr.'s scale)

So I'm already seeing results. I have to get moving and keep motivated. Hopefully my family and pals will log their comments here to help keep the motivation going!

Here is me a week ago:
Please excuse the hair. It was a spur of the moment photo by the husband. You see, two months ago I could hardly button this shirt and the shorts wouldn't even fit over my it is definitely a minor success I would say!

Today I've eaten pretty well, had a bowl of Special K for breakfast, a big glass of water and well, a cup of coffee, but a cup in the morning is my little peice of heaven lol.

My diet motto is simply :Just keep swimming! (those of you who may have seen Finding Nemo may understand what this signifys lol)

So have a great day, and fellow dieters, keep up the great work!
